Quality Health Safety and Environment Policy Statement

Global Rental Energy is committed to providing a reasonably practicable working environment that is safe and without risk to health for all its employees, contractors and third parties through the effective implementation of quality, health, safety and environmental policies and procedures. Our goal is zero incidents on any project.

We take a leadership approach and do not accept any compromise in terms of QHSE performance at any time, even in the most difficult of complex surroundings. Safe working practices and the implementation of the following guiding principles are the responsibility of all Global Rental Energy personnel and are to be viewed as an integral part of our culture.

  • Ensure compliance with legal and other requirements applicable to our business activities wherever we operate.
  • Adequate job planning, as a commitment to preventing injury, ill health, and protecting the environment including property damage.
  • Empower our employees to stop unsafe acts or activities and encourage the reporting of accidents, incidents and near misses.
  • Ensure that all hazards and environmental aspects are identified and subsequently risk assessed. Suitable risk mitigation measures are to be adopted to ensure that we provide a safe and healthy working environment, manage our environmental impacts and reduce risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Provide enough resources and training where required to ensure QHSE excellence whilst promoting awareness and responsibility.

The Leadership Team is responsible for the overall ownership of the health, safety and environment management system. The QHSE policy and statement of intent are approved and endorsed by the management and will be reviewed regularly. This is critical to our business success and protecting the Global Rental Energy brand.

Target ZERO…work safe and be safe!

BP 2292, Route de Sogara,
Gabon, Port Gentil

Call us on : +241 07 772 4340